the advertisement for my dance classes coming this September |
I was three and I knew I would be a ballerina. At 11 years of age I was accepted into a professional ballet school and at 15 I was given the opportunity of a lifetime to study dance in Belgium. I was gifted with dance. It was a natural talent but what never comes naturally is the drive and determination to keep going. It is a force of will that makes a superstar in any aspect of life and when my career suddenly ended I did not have the heart or the patience to teach others what took me years to learn. I would never be a dance teacher.
It did not end entirely, I took guest classes here and there, performed and taught on occasion. After I immigrated to Israel I thought that I'd left the dance world forever in North America. I focused on Pilates, studied, put in hours at the office and extra hours greeting delegation guests at a hotel and wondering what I actually love to do.
After my first son was born I returned to teaching dance but quit reluctantly. It was less hours and a better wage and I found no reason to return other than that - until recently. I replaced a dance instructor while she was on maternity leave and I found myself enjoying the drive to the studio and seemingly loving my home even more when I returned! The girls began learning and by the end of the season they had a dance routine.
They say in Israel, there is no such thing as a Win-Win situation. In a society where so many aspects could be a threat, it is survival of the fittest. It sounds a little harsh but when push comes to shove it's amazing what we force ourselves to do and end up succeeding. All things compared my little accomplishments seem rather small but in all things relative it was a win for me - I just received my first big job as a dance teacher and I begin this September. I will run the dance studio with classes in Ballet, Jazz and Modern. I have a lot to do until then but I'm looking forward to being a ballerina again!
In addition, we have been in the middle of moving, year end events and work projects. Life got so hectic this past month, this is my first blog entry in one month! Thanks for your support and kind words, wondering if we are all OK ... and yes thank you we are well and settled! Everything seems back to normal sitting here writing while my boys are screaming at each other hungry and thirsty and waiting for attention!! I'm kidding, it's not that bad ... but it is back to normal;) See you soon!