Wednesday, March 30, 2011

deja vu

Every Wednesday I teach ballet in a small northern community.  I take my boys to their Safta's (Grandma) house and look forward to the hour drive ahead. It's rare to sit for so long by myself! It's a hazard truly! I arrive to the community center, turn on my music and practice while I wait for the girls. The girls are wild and amazing bundles of energy with endless things to say. This Wednesday was no different except that it wasn't Wednesday at all .... it was TUESDAY! What!

It never occurred to me ALL day that it was wrong, nor did anyone else - although my mother-in-law did question if I needed her to babysit again tomorrow which I thought that was a little strange! I remember someone told me once that during army training their watch was taken away and it took days to confuse the mind. Well, it took me 12 hours with a watch and a phone to confuse my mind! Not a proud moment. Oh goodness ... an off day in the life of a mother.

Today it was really Wednesday and I had deja vu all day.


Unknown said...

haha...too funny! Love the Blog's name!!!! great pictures and fun content!!!

Unknown said...

Thats funny...
and i thought i was the only one these things happen to...

genny said...

Klutch - can u believe it! haa haa! thanks so much for your comments!

genny said...

leah - haa! me too! lots of love and cheers to loosing our minds every once and awhile!


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