Monday, April 4, 2011

this i must remember

It's a long story. They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away. My 3 year old finds reasons to see the doctor. I mean, he really loves it. He gets excited over the tethoscope, opens wide before being asked and concurs with every diagnosis. The slightest suspicion of a soar throat and always the same conclusion, "I don't feel so good, Ema (mom), let's go to the doctor".  

I wasn't shocked when he advised me that he was going to be a doctor. I have heard of kids going through fazes of playing 'check-up'. This is really serious!

Today is the third day home from the daycare and with each day improvement his hope of a docters visit is narrowing. 

To make a long story short, the photo is the moment I finally told him that he was NOT going to the doctor! The tears of disappointment. I'm not kidding! 

I just couldn't resist clicking a few photos ... this i must remember!

1 comment:

Sarah Adina said...

i absolutely luv and adore and miss that kid!!!


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